Wednesday Wings: Tree Tops

At the back of our yard, we have a cluster of four fully mature white spruce trees – my own little boreal forest. These trees are about 50 feet high, and not surprisingly, a favorite perch of many birds.

I know I’ve got a ruby-crowned kinglet in the back yard this week because I can hear it. But take a picture of it? I don’t think so. Not only are kinglets hyperactive little birds, they favour branches near the top of the trees. I’m pretty sure I’ve hit a record number of empty branch shots in my attempts to photograph this tiny bird. Here is the best of the lot.

Yes, it really is a ruby-crowned. If you peer really, really closely you can see the red cap on the head. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure this ruby-crowned butt shot is a clear signal that a new camera is needed…

One Comment


    wonderful photos of some less common birds(well to me in the U.K.) thanks for sharing them . Chris

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