Nature News #14

Bird News

Environmentalists are accused of having double standards in prosecuting Syncrude for the death of 1600 ducks, when far more are killed by wind turbines every year.

Syncrude Canada has been found guilty on environmental charges stemming from the deaths of 1,606 birds two years ago.

Sighitngs of white or leucistic ravens are on the increase in Qualicum Beach, BC (with photo)

For the second year in a row, piping plovers have returned to nest at Shallow Beach, NL

The Gulf oil spill and Canadian birds – Part Two

Delta Waterfowl has declared ducks in Alberta are more endangered by loss of wetland habitat and predators, than by tailings ponds.

Around 900 Canada Geese have been rounded up in Regina, SK and re-located north to Cumberland House, a more natural habitat

Mammal News

The World Wildlife Fund is planning a project to reduce conflict between polar bears and humans in Nunavut

Increased sightings of black bears in Nova Scotia are part of a country-wide trend

Another grizzly bear – the sixth since 2007 – has been killed by a train in Banff National Park, AB

Herptile News

Signs warning of turtle crossings are being stolen from Ontario roadways, endangering native reptiles

Fish News

A biologist has caught a blue tilapia, an invasive native African fish, in a trap on the Grand River, ON

Volunteers have planted 1,200 trees along river shores in New Brunswick to provide a cooler environment for aquatic life.

Insect News

Bedbug infestations are apparently on the increase in many North American cities

Butterflies around the world have been identified as early indicators of climate change

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