Those Aren’t Geese…

Greater white-fronted geese are mythical birds. A myth perpetrated by the oil industry so that some of us jump in our gas-driven cars and spend hours cruising through the country looking for them when they’re reported on the local bird alert. Again. This was intended to be a post about …

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Wednesday Wings: Ferruginous Five

Have you ever been so astonished by a bird sighting that your brain shuts down? No synapses firing, just a blank white void where your bird identification skills should be? It’s most disconcerting, I can tell you. One blisteringly hot prairie day earlier this month, my husband and I took …

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A Migratory Sit

Last Saturday was International Migratory Bird day, so a few of us decided to mark the occasion with a Big Sit at the local bird sanctuary. For those of you not familiar with this concept, bird watchers sit in a 17 ft circle with your chairs facing out. If you …

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A Furry Bird Walk

A friend of mine recently decided she wanted to take up bird watching a little more actively. She can identify the common species, but wants to know what is visiting her yard and campsight. Naturally, I’ve jumped all over this. Spring migration is well underway, and more returning species are …

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A Predator Moment

Spring is slooowly returning to southern Alberta, and with it the reappearance of my main nemesis bird. If one more person tells me “oh, Eurasian wigeons are everywhere’… The first duck reports of the year came in last week.  There is very little open water around, but nevertheless a male …

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