ABA Bird of 2013

ABA bird of the year

The American Birding Association has announced their 2013 bird of the year – the Common Nighthawk. The incredibly clever folks at the ABA, and nighthawk impersonator Robert Mortensen, have put together a very inventive video to make the official announcement.

The 2012 State of Canada’s Birds report noted that aerial insectivores – birds that catch insects in flight – are declining more steeply than any other group of birds. Common Nighthawk numbers are dropping drastically each year throughout their entire range.

I just can’t shake the feeling that I’ll think of this photo every time I see a nighthawk now…


  1. I think that every time I see a Common Nighthawk in the future I will think of Robert, the video and this image!

  2. It’s those darn white wing bars and the forked tail. Not likely to ever forget those now!

  3. Ha ha! If I can stick your mind like a catchy-tune, mission accomplished! I’m glad that many of my Canadian friends will also be able to enjoy the bird of the year again this year…though I understand that they are quite rare for our friends in Alaska.

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